Friday, September 7, 2007

I just wanted to go to Costco.

But because of weather and a few wrong turns, 55.6 miles later I am home again with a hungry, tired baby and no 60 gallon bottle of anything to show for my trip. I was WAY lost.


It's Been a Day! said...

I have been there and done that. Except I usually come home with the 60 gallon cup of diet coke to make me feel better!

Corinne said...

I so feel for you Megs - that is the worst! I don't even have any encouraging words...I hate pointless outings and not being able to accomplish my task, esp. w/ kids!

diddy said...

You sould have rolled down your window to smell for the pretzels and free samples. Works for me every time.

Kelly said...

Why do "they" make Costcos so hard to find? I had trouble finding one here in Austin too. It took me forever to figure out how to take the right exit and where to turn into the parking lot.

Kristi said...

I have to say that I read this last night and I fell asleep thinking how awful that must have been. Moving is hard on so many levels some times. I'm also feelin' the clogged drain thing--the joys of life.:)

Mary said...

Megan your trip to Costco reminds me of the time Todd and I tried to make it to target while we were there visiting.