Thursday, June 19, 2008

Keepin' it green

There are many perks to living downtown as I have mentioned in previous posts, but I think the best thing about our apartment complex is that they are really concerned about the environment.


It's Been a Day! said...

they are so green up there. thank you for helping protect the enviroment!!they are making a huge difference.

aniC said...

they recycle like me :-/

Mary said...

That's funny, the trash and recycling are going into the same bucket. You just can't get around taking care of the earth. LOL.

We are recyclers too.

Corinne said...

way to do your part Megs!!

merathon said...

that is a great little recycling system. pretty impressive. . .

Jess said...

That is hilarious, but not good for those who think they are really recycling.

mama bear said...

I just laughed right out loud!!!

mary said...

lol! love it megs.

Christy said...

HA! yah, that's about how i recycle too.