Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday Three
3 reasons why you should not throw a poopy diaper in with your laundry
(hypothetically speaking, of course)
1. It is totally unsanitary.
2. It takes twice as long to do laundry.
3. Your husband won't stop making fun of you.


Byron and Tara said...

Oh that is something I have never done....yet....I am sure I will have my turn. Sorry that just makes one heck of a mess to clean up. As if changing the poopy diaper in the first place isn't messy enough.

KESLER KREW...Cami said...

Megs - I love you! You say things I would rather not admit to...never had a poopy diaper in the laundry but I do have the occasional poops in the tubby! These are the days of our lives! CAmi

aniC said...

i bet i could think of a lot more than 3 reasons (c: at least you've come pun intended.

Katie said...

Wow-what a mess that would be. Not to mention, you'd have a fun job cleaning out the washer and washing all the clothes again. lol

Jess Perry said...

And think of the smell....a wet soggy poopy diaper mixed with a bunch of wet clothes. Oh starting to dry heave! That would really stink!

S. Gibson said...

As long as it didn't make it into the dryer.....oh that would be even more stinky.