Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Three - White lights lead to red lights which then indicate the exit.

Three items I would love to purchase from Sky Mall magazine.  I know I am not the only one who loves to flip through this on a flight.  What would you buy?

Comfort-U Pillow

Pictures and links from Sky Mall


aniC said...

i would only buy the comfort-u pillow if it came with the rose, otherwise, it just wouldn't be worth it.

It's Been a Day! said...

the blue pillow is totally worth it. i mean, so easy and small to carry that on the plane. where would you put the whole can of soda?

you know you would get the hot dog toaster, megs. why was that left off the list?

Kelly said...

That big comfort-u pillow looks squishy and awesome. I had the same reaction as your sis about the airplane pillow. I'm HOPING it's inflatable.

It's always good to have a wish list.

Heather said...

That Skymall Magazine sure knows what they doing...I'm ordering one of each right now. What will they think of next?

Nicole said...

the travel pillow, but only if it comes with that man.