Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm sure no one noticed

What do you think?

It was a nice surprise when I looked down at my NEW, FRESH OUT OF THE PACKAGE nylons to find this. Of course I didn't notice until I was in the car on the way to church and there was no going back. Thank goodness for long coats.


It's Been a Day! said...

just a little clear nail polish on that and it shouldn't run anymore!

Angie said...

wow, right out of the package?? I'm sorry. That's too bad.

Jennifer said...

That happened to me two weeks ago. Thankfully we were close enough that I could run home between blocks. What a pain!

Bingham Bunch said...

Ha-ha! I love those kinds of choices in life.....shredded hooker-tights or white hairy legs???? Oh well, fortunately we've all had it happen to us and I think it just allows a good sympathetic laugh.

amydear said...

That's the worst! What bugs me most is that I know they can make nylons that will never run. But then they'd make no money!

Kelly said...

What a rip! So much for quality control at the factory. I'm impressed that you even WEAR nylons to church.

mama bear said...

Well, it's so small I'm sure nobody saw. And wasn't that one of your "visiting" Sundays? Sorry, I shouldn't laugh but it's pretty funny. At least it was up the back of your leg!

Heather said...

Despite the run, I have to say that your leg is looking pretty sexy. Do you work out?

Team Covey said...

i HATE runs in the nylons. I usually only keep one pair run free (for some reason I save all the ones with runs in them as if they will magically fix themselves or perhaps I could flip flop the good sides and between 2 pair have 1 working outfit) Anyways, HILARIOUS

Stapletons said...

I hate that! That happens to me 50% of the time I wear nylons - so I just avoid them!

~* Allen Family *~ said...

I had this same thing happen to me not too long ago except I didn't have a long coat :(

Note to self...need a long coat.

Sara said...

Sad! Hope your day got better after that surprise!

Cara said...

So I watched it tonight and I have been thinking a lot about what I think of it. Hard to say, definatley dramatic. But I think that I kind of appreciate them taking on harder issues and not showing just one side of it. It would have been easy for them to show that all of the doctors were pro-abortion but they didn't and I appreciate that. I also think that it is way sad that I have put so many hours of thought into a TV show tonight, I had better go get a book out now! :)

mary said...

lol! that's happened to me before. NOT the bomb. don't worry megs - you rock the girl-fight-hooker look. . .your buff calf makes it sexy.

Amy said...

You put that run in your nylons on purpose. Just so you could post a pic of your buff calf. You can't fool me.

Melissa Grow said...

Wow, you are too funny. Your little boy is so cute. Tell Matt that Ryan says hi. He's doing business school, right? Ryan's in the same boat at Arizona State. Hurray for graduation (it will be here eventually)!