Thursday, November 29, 2007

Give the people what they want

Thursday Three - 3 reasons I have not been blogging

1. I was busy hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Here is a picture of my table. One of my guests even said, "Very Martha Stewart of you" That's right, Martha Stewart. I asked, but didn't require, that people refer to me as Martha for the rest of the day. This same person also offered to scrub my somewhat dirty stove top for me. I am sure Martha Stewart has weaknesses too.
2. I have been dealing with a sick baby. Still cute, even with lots of snot running down his face.

3. I have been working on my crafts. I have had lots to get done. Here is just a taste of what I have been up to. This is what I am giving away as "neighbor gifts" this year. They are lamb ornaments and I have a great story about being a Shepard from an old conference talk to go with them. (thanks for the help, mom!)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I hope you dance

I wrote about her HERE. Cousin Eric wrote about her HERE. Little Mere herself said a little something HERE. Check out all the links and wish Mere the best birthday ever. I haven't quite decided on my piece of ugly for today, but I don't think it will be too challenging!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

She didn't invite you, She invite Jeff

Just a few thoughts from the last 24 hours.

These are two things I didn't want to hear last night as I was going to bed and Matt was starting a home project. "did I break it?" and "I need a screwdriver." I guess it is better than needing a hammer!

I love when people work out in normal clothes at the gym.

I have not worn deodorant for a week. It's on the grocery list for today.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Thursday Three
Three Reasons Why Turning 1 is so Fun
1. Cake
2. More Cake
3. New Toys
Happy Birthday to Blake!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday Three is back from hiatus

I got a little lazy last week and forgot my Thursday Three. We're back in action.

3 Reasons to celebrate this week
1. My sister in law
Des is coming to visit tomorrow.
2. The Red Sox won the World Series. I was bred a Red Sox fan and it was extra special this year to be home to see the games with my dad. I am not sure either of us stayed awake until the end of any of the games, but we did our best. On the off night for the games, my parents and I watched Fever Pitch to keep in the spirit of things. Great movie!!
3. I finally unpacked my bags this morning from my trip. Two days might seem like a long time to finally get that done, but for me that is record time.