Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday Three - Three things that make Blake, Blake

1. His noise. If I could describe it I would. If you have heard it, you know what I am talking about. Just imagine "the most annoying sound in the world" from Dumb and Dumber. Blake has perfected it and makes it while doing anything that requires concentration. It is really funny, but I will say my ears could use a break.

2. He calls everyone buddy. When I walk into his room to get him up he says "hey buddy." If he doesn't want someone to do something he says, "No, buddy." Also a quick update, he now calls me mom. Sure it took two years, but he always comes around.

3. He likes to wear his socks on his hands during nap time. This is not the first occasion we have found him like this.


Unknown said...

Hey buddy that is so funny. I love that thing with the socks. That is hilarious.

Steph said...

that is funny....i love the little things that makes each child so, if only we could express ourselves sometimes in the ways of a child!

It's Been a Day! said...

I say this with all the love in my heart for my favorite nephew - blake is so weird! and I can say that since my kids are just as weird, if not more so!! I think it's very funny about the socks. And his blanket looks so soft still - looks almost as soft as Tyson's! I love Mr. Blake. I miss the noise. It cracks me up everytime!

Bingham Bunch said...

I love how all the little buddies are so stinking adorable!

merathon said...

i miss little blake. that sound never annoyed me, just made me laugh! of course, i don't listen to it 24/7 either!

mama bear said...

so glad he knows your name now! I love that little guy even more because of the sock hands.

Christy said...

hehe! he's so cute with those socks.

Gina said...

What a cutie! I love hearing what makes him unique!

Amy said...

I love how kids are so weird and quirky. I always tell Danny that all our kids' weirdness comes from him! And they've got plenty! I love the sock on the hands thing that Blake does.

Angie said...

How funny. I'm sorry that your ears have to listen to that though. I love the socks and buddy thing though. That is absolutely hilarious.

Heather said...

Spencer is not far behind with the noise...I wonder who he gets it from? Maybe his buddy Blake!