Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thursday Three

My sister Paige had a great idea to give something up for lent. I still want to give something up, but since we are leaving on vacation for a week I will start when we get back. I know, I know you are thinking that it is not a huge sacrifice since I am bending the rules to accommodate my schedule and pretty much you are right, but I still want to do it.

1. No television during Blake's nap. I think I could use my time more wisely.
2. No diet coke. I am not an avid drinker, but I will be sad to give it up.
3. Sleep. I am going to give up 10 minutes of my morning sleep and read my scriptures.

On a side note, we took Blake to Chuck e cheese today and we are now huge fans. We had a great morning. Hopefully the Tophams will want to go back again for more fun.


~* Allen Family *~ said...

Have fun on vacation. I swear Blake looks so different each time I see him!

mary said...

ooh. those are good megs. 2 and 3 would be hard for me. have fun on vacation!

Janel said...

Great idea! I should do it...hmmm I'll have to think about what to give up. Have fun on your trip!!!

merathon said...

i didn't even know you were going to puerto rico till i read your mom's email this morning! have fun-- i'm jealous! hope you have FABULOUS weather!

Steph said...

good idea for lent - especially for tv - that would really put a cramp in my days!!! i think it is great you are doing it - even if later on!

meredith said...

no diet coke??

I couldnt stay hydrated without my DC. What will you drink? WATER???

blakes cute.

Corinne said...

I can't wait to hear all about your trip...have so much fun. Hopefully no more fender benders when we are talking on the phone.

I think for lent I will give up the bachelor (total trash)...starting tomorrow at 10 pm.

Bingham Bunch said...

I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor (more because I'm imagining myself trying to do those things rather than you)-LOL.

jan said...

I decided to give up smoking. I am pretty sure I can stick with it this year.

Jess Perry said...

Those are good things. All 3 things on my list would be Diet Coke...that would be a hard thing!

Anna and Jon said...

Holy cow! When did Blake get so big. Remember how you're not Catholic? Poser!